Appreciation from Customers
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"What you provide for kids yoga classes is exactly what we are looking for. All positive feedback from kids, parents, and support staff. We have been stoked to offer this program. We hear nothing but great things! You are perfect!"
~ Parents Support Group, Idlewild Church, Memphis, TN
"Last yoga class you were a rockstar! This time, I don't even know what to call you. You are the Queen of Rockstars! It just flows through you!"
~ Chris Dempsey, Unity Church Minister, Cordova, TN, Yoga Student
"Yoga Club has started!!! I’m amazed at how awesome our Yoga teacher Stephanie is! The kids had a great time in their first meeting! I hope you continue to make this your main yoga school to teach at."
~ Coach Martin, Physical Education Teacher, Grahamwood Elementary School, Memphis, TN
"Having practiced yoga for more than ten years around the world, I was thrilled to find Stephanie leading a wonderful yoga class in downtown Memphis. In our very first session, it was clear that Stephanie was a gifted instructor. She was able to look at the students in front of her and gather from their body types, subtle movements, and mood, what type of session would fulfill their needs and then execute it as if it had been planned for weeks.
After more than a year of training with Stephanie a few times a week, I have lost 30 lbs, deepened flexibility, improved balance, and feel more settled at home and at work. Her classes and a rethinking of my diet have helped me to feel stronger in my body and shown me a path to greater self-confidence.
I highly recommend any session you get into with Stephanie. She is truly a gifted Yoga/Pilates instructor."
~ Gary Blevins, Board Game Nation Founder & Owner, Yoga Student
Yoga Customer Appreciation

I feel like I just went to the holistic doctor!"
(after 6 months of private yoga sessions)
~ Rachel, Hair Stylist and Salon Owner, Yoga Student
"I am not as consistent in my practice as I would like to be. I check the schedule to see when Stephanie is at the “Y”. Each time she leads the group through enlightened and powerful moves. Her practice is so congruent that her body seems to levitate through the air and somehow reconnect to the floor. She is awesome and I am encouraged to continue my yoga journey!!!
~ Cecelia Sawyer, Fogelman YMCA Yoga Student
"I lovvvvvvvved the yoga class I took in the park today with Stephanie! She is an awe-inspiring and wonderfully talented human being whom everyone on the planet should take a class with at some point in their life! Preferably today. Try her class today!!!!!!"
~ Amy Overstreet, Yoga Student
"Stephanie, like any good yoga instructor, cares deeply about her yoga and about her students. While Stephanie certainly has an outstanding practice, her ability to share the joy of yoga with skill and passion is what I think, in part, makes her so popular with her students. Stephanie’s commitment to continually develop and explore her own yoga practice helps to keep her teaching fresh and authentic. And her deep knowledge of yoga anatomy, alignment, and her ability to turn the room into a sacred space where students can come into their body and be free of judgment, allows all to leave in a better place from which they came."
~ Michael Finkelstein, Yoga Student
"I feel like a whole new person!"
~ Carla, Methodist Hospital Lawyer, Yoga Student
"I attend Stephanie's yoga class on Thursdays. I have become more aware of my mind, body and soul and how to bring it all together. Thanks for all you do."
~ Rebecca Murray
"I am from California. I have been in Memphis for 3 years. When I arrived I was depressed, lonely, sedentary, watched tv way too much and ate junk food. At 67 years old, my doctor had recently put me on prescription medication for high blood pressure and high blood sugar. I was told to change my diet and start exercising. But initially, I didn't change a thing. One day I was looking at the complications of diabetes and that scarred me. Fortunate for me, I soon met Stephanie. Stephanie introduced me to a new life. She was the opposite of me and I was drawn to her life condition. She started me off with a weekly chair yoga practice. But she encouraged me to progress. She later introduced me to many things including mat yoga, meditation, energy medicine, energy medicine yoga, and qigong. Some things I learned from her by observing her. I changed my diet, I developed compassion for myself and others and I appreciate nature now because I admired those positive attributes that I saw in Stephanie. I saw my doctor sometime after that. He was amazed at my good health. He took me off of all prescription medication and the last thing he said to me was, "Whatever you have been doing, keep on doing it." I have been learning from Stephanie and I most certainly will keep on doing it."
~ Curtis Hamilton, Yoga, Tai Chi, and Qi Gong Student
"Stephanie is so intuitive, she always knows just what my body and spirit need!"
~ Patricia, Schwartz, Emergency Room Nurse, Yoga Student
"Great experience. Only the first night (of Energy Medicine Yoga class) but if this is an example of how I feel..... (referring to an online client photo relaxed in peaceful bliss on Stephanie’s massage table)."
~ Cheryl Forbes, Energy Medicine Yoga Student
"I’ve had the amazing experience of working with Stephanie Congo over the last two years. We met in the community and quickly realized we shared many common interests. She was interested in my yoga work with children, and I was interested in the way she was systematically building her own knowledge base around various forms of bodywork. She did an informal yoga apprenticeship with me, while I became one of her energy medicine clients.
Stephanie is a committed practitioner. Each time I arrived for a session, she checked my current status carefully. She is both scientific and intuitive in her assessment and treatment. Since we were both getting ready to move long distances, she taught me many techniques I can do independently. She has a quiet, careful way about her work, but is joyful in her client’s progress and discoveries."
~ Becky Crandell, Retired Kindergarten Teacher and Yoga Instructor, Energy Medicine Client

Energy Customer Appreciation

"Energy Medicine with Stephanie is a relaxing, informative, and delightful experience! Every session with Stephanie allows me to align and connect. She provides her clients with a natural, long-term energetic healing. I always feel a sense of true light-heartedness during and after her sessions. I appreciate her recommendations and "homework" that keeps me feeling aligned and connected with simple, effortless exercises. I highly recommend working with Stephanie for a genuine overall sense of well-being and deep healing."
~ Debra Ann Pinsof-DePillis, MA, MS, OTR/L and Craniosacral Therapist, Energy Client

"Stephanie's theta healing session opened up a window that had been closed in my life; an inner room needed some air. As is often the case, I wasn't aware what the problem was until after the fact; I didn't realize I hadn't been giving myself permission to enjoy being me. Deep history had led to this unconscious decision on my part. Stephanie's healing worked with attention, intention, and subtle techniques she has developed over a number of years. When we started our session, I didn't even know what I had come there to heal; the clarity rose in the process of addressing Stephanie's questions to me. In the weeks that have followed, a certainty has been with me that transformation is happening deep within, at a place deeper than consciousness. It doesn't feel like work, it feels like fresh air. In my recent holiday visit with family members, I experienced giving myself permission to be me. This doesn't come easy at home.
I am grateful for the devotion Stephanie has given to practicing healing arts. Because the issue we addressed was not conscious, it was not something I could have "fixed" on my own. I sense that the process will continue for some time, and I look forward to discovering more of my living, breathing self in future healing sessions.
Thank you, Stephanie ~ "
~ Trish Goedecke, University of UTHSC, Statistician, Energy Client
"Stephanie is an amazing energy healer and has helped me at multiple points in my life to overcome barriers and resistance I had regarding relationships and abundance issues. Most recently, she helped with a broad range of energy work during the multiple day labor and birth of my son. Her energy work, knowledge of natural birthing, and advocacy for me and then my baby during the whole process was phenomenal! You are in very good hands with Stephanie."
~ Lauren Sonnenburg, LMHC, D.PSc, MCAP, Energy Client
"My name is Nicole Davila. I am Stephanie's patient and I am following her work for a long time now. Back on October 11th, I had a surgery, a total knee replacement. After three weeks of recovery, I didn't feel good with my digestive system and I was tired all the time. My knee recovery was OK physically but my energy not so much. I felt as all my circuits were blocked. I took the decision to have a Eden Energy Medicine session with Stephanie.
I enjoyed the treatment, we did exercises to impulse and realign the energy flow, moving inside and around the body gave me back the balance, sensing harmony and sensing my limbs. She helped me to accept my knee once more, as part of my body. Being whole again. Each day I do my energy routine and my holistic recovery goes in a steady path. I recommend Stephanie treatment for surgery recovery it is vital to heal physically and holistically."
~ Nicole Davila, Massage Therapist & Reflexologist, Energy Client

"I LOVE Stephanie. She's absolutely amazing! When I came to visit her my body was so cranked up and I felt scattered and shattered, actually. She turned me back into my whole self again, picking up things in my body and mind that I wasn't recognizing but knew to be true. I feel such a sense of relief and peace. Thank you!!!"
~ Shanti Douglas, Mindfulness and HeartMath® Certified Coach, Corporate Trainer,
Owner of 8 limbs Holistic Health, LLC, Energy Client
"Thank you so much again for the energy session yesterday. It was wonderful! I was very relaxed. I could definitely feel the shift in my energies in my body today, after just one session. Thank you so much for being a channel of peace in this universe."
~ R.M., Social Worker, Energy Medicine Client