Community Building

Samaritan's Feet International - Memphis's Las Americas Youth Center
This super cute child did not want to see his feet get washed, nor for us to see the "boo-boo" on his knee. Each year Stephanie volunteers with cityCURRENT of Memphis, TN and Samaritan's Feet International who organize an event to give 300-1000 kids new socks and shoes after volunteers wash their feet. Samaritan's Feet is a 501 (c)(3) organization that serves & inspires hope in children by providing shoes as the foundation to a spiritual and healthy life.

Surya Namaskar Yajna Yoga Honorarium - How Yoga has Shaped my Life to Lead a Life of Service Presentation
At the end of Covid, Stephanie was invited to be honored with the India Cultural Center for her service teaching yoga. She was honored alongside the acclaimed yoga guru Yogacharya Shri R Sharma Vempati. She shared her story of how she came to yoga and various injuries that led her to being a therapeutic yoga instructor in Memphis. Her talk was given to almost 100 people in the Hindu Swayamseva Sangh (HSS) community.

Physical Education Yoga Training Session at Learning Day - Germantown, TN and Surrounding School Districts
Germantown Municipal School District hosted a multi-district event where Physical Education teachers could earn credits for attendance. Stephanie was asked to teach a chair yoga seminar as volunteer, offering these PE teachers an opportunity to experience the benefits of yoga. She offers regular yoga classes and workshops at the District.

Strategies for A Peaceful Birth - Memphis Birth Collective
Offered a free workshop teaching strategies for a calm pregnancy and peaceful birth. Practiced tools to enhance our state of mind and partner exercises to prime the release of oxytocin, the “love hormone.” Learned relaxation techniques and tools couples can do together to deepen the bonds with your growing family. The way a woman has prepared her state of mind will allow her to deal with anything that comes her way. Held at Memphis Benjamin Hooks Central Library.
Yoga - Breathing - Energy Healing - Meditation
Calming Techniques for Partners

Volunteer Vegetable Gardener - Carpenter Art Garden
Each week Stephanie volunteers in the many vegetable gardens in the Binghamton Neighborhood. She preps seed containers, transplants seedlings, waters, harvests fruitful vegetables. The farmers market is open to the public on Monday and Thursday afternoons from 3pm - 5pm.

ARISE2Read Program for 2nd Graders
The ARISE2Read Program takes an active role in the development of children in public schools through the presence of volunteers focused on literacy. Stephanie volunteered weekly to teach 2nd graders to read better at Bruce Elementary School. Bruce Elementary is located in a lower income inner city Memphis neighborhood.

Power of Visualization Workshop - Methodist Le Bonheur Germantown Stroke Survivor & Caregiver Group
Stephanie led a power of visualization workshop with other tips and techniques to help people with strokes. She taught information and led experiential exercises she learned as she maneuvered living with a concussion/TBI. People still come up to Stephanie appreciating the tips she shared that they are still using today. Support groups are held by Angela Wingfield, PTA at the Women's Pavilion Classroom 1 On the campus of Methodist Germantown Hospital

Memphis Friends Meeting Quakers - Event and Education Committee Member
Quakers meet twice a month to listen to speakers prior to weekly Sunday worship meeting. Meeting for Learning is a time that we set aside to prayerfully explore the experiences of spirit and the dimensions of the inward and outward landscape. This committee works together to bring in special outside guests and also guests from within the Memphis meeting for lessons and reflections.

Tennessee Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) Advisory Board Member & Tennessee Support Group Volunteer Teacher
Approximately 25,000 people experience TBI - related ER visits, hospitalizations and deaths in the state of Tennessee per year. Stephanie is a valuable member of the Tennessee Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) Advisory Board helping to prioritize and bring motions forward to advance and expand support to those experiencing TBIs. She also regularly leads chair yoga, mindfulness, and meditation classes for the Statewide Tennessee Brain Injury Support Group on Zoom.

Carpenter Art Garden - Kids Yoga and Art Project Volunteer Teacher
Local students at the Art Garden in the Binghamton Neighborhood participated in yoga movements in the backyard outside and a group art project. They learned about chakras and consequently painted flags to make a string of colored chakra flags.

Love Your Brain (LYB) Memphis, TN
Stephanie trained with Love Your Brain in Jacksonville, FL in 2018. In 2019, she orchestrated bringing the Love Your Brain training to Memphis, TN. Almost 60 yoga teachers from the Memphis area received this certification. She is the LYB Liaison for Memphis and regularly takes new LYB classes and trainings.

Mind Body Sessions - Arlington High School Football Team
Every week Stephanie teaches stretching, positive affirmation mantras and visualization exercises for the Arlington Football team prior to their Friday night games. There are 85 players on the team and 8 coaches supporting them.
WOW! Women of Worth - Journey Church Yearly Summer Retreat
Women gather at the Spiritual Retreat Center for a welcome with centering, gentle movement, smiles, and laughter. Yoga classes were also held during the retreat to invigorate the body. Retreats are organized by the WOW Women of Journey Church with Ms. Dee Henley. They are held yearly and open to everyone.

Community Nature Walks
Join Stephanie in one of her community wellness nature walks! We warm-up and cool-down with stretches and movements and walk together on forest trails. Ample time is spent in silent reflection and also with one another socializing. Stephanie leads individuals and groups throughout Memphis and beyond. These are some favorite spots for forest bathing in Memphis, below.
Overton Park
T.O. Fuller Park
Meeman-Shelby Forest State Park
Shelby Farms Park
International Harvester Managerial Park

Tennessee Association of Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance (TAHPERD) - Conference Presentations
At this conference, Stephanie led 4 informative and interactive presentations for PE Teachers. These included: "Enhancing Academic Success with Whole Brain and Full Body Techniques," "12 Ways to Add Yoga at Your School," "Daily Routine to Boost Your Energy, Gain Energy ad Feel Centered," and "Chair Yoga, Breathing and Meditation Class." She attended at the invitation of the Germantown Municipal School District. Stephanie's presentations were said to be some of the favorites by attendees at the conference.

Volunteer Yoga Teacher for Street People - Constance Abbey
Constance Abbey is an intentional community in Memphis, TN on Hamlin Street dedicated to serving our neighbors who nobody else will help. They talk to and listen to people, provide food, offer showers, provide a safe space and living assistance for these friends to get back on their feet. Margery on the left is one of the co-founders.

Yoga and Meditation at Bruce Elementary School with Principal Archie Moss, Jr.
Building community through stretching and relaxation at Bruce Elementary School. Part of the teacher's monthly self-care and team building program.

Jung Seminar Co-Leader
Stephanie volunteers to co-lead this program which consists of a morning didactic, a mid-day body-mind experiential and an afternoon group therapy session. Each year a different book is read such as "Chakras and their Archetypes," "The Nature Writings of C.G. Jung: The Earth Has a Soul," and "Man and His Symbols." Stephanie (a holistic energy medicine/yoga therapy specialist) co-leads the group with Lora Little, EdD. Group therapy is held in the afternoon by Dr. Bill Walker (a Jungian analyst originally studied in Switzerland) who previously led the Memphis Jungian Institute.

Hummingbird Festival - Strawberry Plains Audubon Center
Stephanie volunteers yearly doing face painting for everyone at the Hummingbird Festival Kids Tent in Holly Springs, Mississippi. We focus on painting hummingbirds, snakes, owls and other such outdoor critters. This girl requested a red fox and her wish was granted. Hope to see you at the next festival.